Who are the lords?

I want to define what I mean by Lords, which is my personal definition:

I mean that, the decisions that caused these unfavorable happenings are not certainly made by a unique person.

Of course, the group of people who think in that way makes them.Lords are one of the three categories of the human beings: lords, fools and humans.

The Lords are the people who consciously dispread the superstitions and lies and also deceive and deviate people by their fear and greed, to ransack their earnings.

Generally, the lords lead the naïve people to their desired direction by dispreading rumor, lie or luring and scaring them, to increase their power and wealth.

The Lords are not necessarily reach people, and even in a small town or a faraway country, so many Lords live that mislead people by religion and superstitions.

The Lords of different countries are not always united and sometimes the Lords of a region disagree with each other but most of the times their benefits are the same.

In overall look, I can mention the capitalists and freemasons as the most influential Lords. the presidents of the western countries are also under the control of the mentioned lords

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